
Young entrepreneur Award 2014- Eureka –IIT Bombay  

Best Startup at Startup conclave-SJSOM-IIT Bombay-2015 

Best Poster Award at Science day 2015 from Dr. K Radhakrishnan Ex-Chairman, ISRO & Dr Sourabh Pal Ex Director NCL

Top 5 finalist of Villgro Unconventional 2015 

Completion of BIG -BIRAC project 2016, Awarded by Dr Renu Swarup (Head of Department of Biotechnology (DBT))

Runner-up at Young Innovator Challenge- 3M-CII 2016. Given MD of 3M Debarati Sen

Runner-up at Ideas to Implement IIM Calcutta 2017. Given by Mr. Jayesh Parekh,  Co-Founder, Sony Entertainment Television

Demonstration of TMR technology at Prabhat pvt ltd, in presences of Kishor Nirmal Sir

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NDTV: Young Innovator challenge